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- -= The Artists Bible =-
- Some interesting Dpaint techniques-ARC/ECLIPSE(WHO?)FSCC
- Greetings mortals.Verily,Gazzer didst didst say unto me,go forth and write an
- aricle about something,or yea,Amnesia shall be no more."And Arc saw Dpaint and
- saw that it was good.And didst write an article about it,and there was much
- rejoicing and happiness,and Lamers didst bring forth great works of art.
- Then I woke up.After intense study of dpaint,I have got reasonably unlame at
- art.Check out some of my stuff in Technicolor Dreams i.e.,the one picture I had
- any time to do,the A1500.The others were just put on for space fillers,and can
- be seen in my forthcoming demo,Aliemmings.
- Now,Hands up all those who saw Lemmingator 2 by me.Ah.I see.Well,for both of
- you who saw it,I produced it about two months after I bought my Amiga.Yes,you
- too can produce your own productions with only a little bit of effort and a
- pirated copy of Dpaint IV.I had been drawing for about a year previously on
- the Spectrum.Stop laughing.The spectrum is a great computer for doing art.I
- bet.Having not yet got used to all these screen resolutions,I unwittingly did
- everything in 32-colour lores.Yes,I managed to get nearly 20 seconds of
- animation on a disk.Which helps me to kick off nicely with:
- Screen Formats.
- Lores:If you're doing animation,this is really the only mode you can use,unless
- you want to use about 8 colours.It looks slightly blocky,but you can always use
- anti aliasing.Also,if you're going to try to use HAM ,unless your eyes are set
- to a multisync,you'll have to get used to it.I always use lores.
- Medres:Creed's favourite resolution (and mine - Polaris),I am told.Useful if
- you want to do video titling or logos and want better quality than lores,but
- dont want a horrible flicker.Can only use up to 16 colours,and is quite heavy on the memory.Not
- really practical for animation.If you want to design workbench icons it is
- useful.I personally never use it.
- Interlace:How anyone could use this and not go blind is beyond me.If you're a
- masochist,this is the ideal resolution.Its only advantage over medres is that
- it can use 32 colours or even HAM,if you have 120k of chipram to spare.Used by
- ray tracing and DTP packages,so be prepared when getting Imagine or Propage.
- HiRes:Hmm,this isn't as bad as interlace,although it has a pretty bad flicker.
- Used by DTP,etc.If you're doing printouts of lores pictures,and they're less
- than 32 colours,then put them into hires for finer print quality.
- modes:Not having an A500 plus,I can't really comment on this,but no
- software uses them yet,so I'll get away with it for the moment.
- Colour modes:
- 2 :If you have culture shock from the spectrum,use this.TEXT
- 4 :As above
- 8 :Useful when doing fonts,etc,so as not to take up too many colours out of
- the main picture.
- 16:If you're doing cartoon animation,it's best to use this.You can get a
- reasonable amount of graphics on a disk.Also,if you're going to do any kind of
- sprites,this is the only realistic option.
- 32:Whoever does the demo art for Dpaint doesn't seem to have mastered the
- screen format requester yet.For some reason,all the art in Dpaint is done like
- this,even if only about 8 colours are used.Good for slideshows and other
- static art,but not really for animation,unless its either ray traced or very
- short.
- 64:If you're doing a picture with lots of ranges, this is brilliant,but it
- takes up nearly half as much memory as HAM.
- HAM:In my opinion,electronic arts and newtek over hyped this screen mode,
- especially when Dpaint IV came out.Not having a copy of Digi-paint,I can't
- really comment on this,but Dpaint's HAM mode is total,and utter SHITE.If you
- even try to turn off the menu bar it takes about four hours to get the pointer
- back.You don't even get a pointer that moves,and half the time you think the
- fucking thing has crashed.Custom brushes have more fringing than all of Nirvana
- put together,and you can forget about animation,unless you have about 5 megs of
- memory,and an accellerator.Unless you're doing art for a party of something,
- forget it.
- Well,now that I've taken out my sexual frustration on HAM (WHO'S SHE?),we can
- move on to more useful material.
- Flipping and resizing Animbrushes:As we all know,(probably)you can only flip an
- animbrush on an x or y axis.However,by using perspective mode,and changing the
- Z angle,and using the move requester with all settings on zero,you can use it
- to stamp down copies of all frames in an animation.Perspective mode and the
- move requester are linked in that if you put the pespective settings onto,say,
- 76 degrees,stamp the brush down,and then enter the move requester,the animation
- will start at whatever settings the perspective was at.
- Resizing animbrushes:First,put these on a plain background.Next,change the
- background colour to anything other than the colour you were on in the first
- place.Select replc as the brush mode and then press the right mouse button once
- to cut a hole in the background.Then go back to the original background colour
- and pick up the hole as a brush,and shrink it or stretch it or whatever.Then
- stamp it down,and copy it to all frames.Then select brush mode on the fill
- requester,and use animfill by pressing L-alt while on fill mode.When you're
- over the resized hole,press the left mouse and watch your blocky amimbrush take
- shape.
- Making an R-Type esque spinning ball:Everyone knows the kind of one I mean,
- don't they?The half globe spinning around the energy ball? Thank God.Right.
- First draw a filled circle the size you want your globe to be.Then draw a fill-
- ed square box,roughly the same size as the circle.Then pick it up as a brush
- and select aNow go to the fill requester and select WRAP.Circle is copied to
- all frames,and set the brush mode to replc,and make sure you're on the moving
- squares animbrush.Animfill on the globe.This should give the effect of two
- squares spinning horizontally around a globe.If not,go and kill yourself.Now pick up this wonderful globe as an animbrush and enter perspective mode.
- Set the Z axis on +90°,and stamp the brush down.Then enter the move requester
- and press clear.Then press move.
- Now,if you are using a copy of Dpaint IV (-SPIT-),you should be okay.However,
- if you're using Dpaint III or under in which case,why are you reading this?
- You're fucked.
- Enter the palette.Define a spread of dark red to bright yellow,and one of dark
- grey to light grey.Then enter the range requester and put both of these into
- seperate ranges.
- Dpaint IV:Select Hi fill and make sure the lighter side of the gradient is at
- the start of the range.If not go to the range requester and press reverse.
- Select the grey range.Now draw a filled circle the size of your globe,and place
- the radial line on the top left area of the circle.Now do the same for the red
- range,but in a very slightly smaller circle.Then pick up the grey brush.
- Dpaint III:Sorry,but you'll have to draw your own shiny balls (AHEM).Try to get
- Dpaint IV.
- Now go to Stencil>Make.Click on the lighter of the two colours in your spinning
- globe.Press invert,and then make.Go to the replc brush mode and animpaint in
- the same place over the globe.Now select the other globe colour for the stencil
- and do the same for the red ball.You should now have a nice R-type bit.
- Well,that's all for this issue.If Amnesia is still being released next month
- (FUCKIN' A IT WILL!),I'll probably write some more.If you have any problems
- with this tutorial,either look up the Dpaint manual (haha) or contact me at:
- Robert Cummins,20 Abbeyfield,Killester,Dublin 5,Ireland.
- Or call me (voice) on (Dublin) 317226.
- --> Well thanx for the cool article Arc,hope to hear more from ya in the next
- --> issue,and anyone else seeking fame,fortune and something to keep them
- --> occupied!Remember,send your articles into us by contacting any of the me
- --> Peter,my address is of course in my Editorial!
- --> Please note that this article was mega-fucked up when I recieved it from
- --> Gazzer,and was put back together as best I could,sorry if I fucked up
- --> anything Arc.
- --> Cya! -Peter-
- -= E N D =-